Lunch with Marjorie


Back in the 1980s, I hosted a radio show called, Limelight, at KUCI, the nonprofit station at the University of California, Irvine. Since I was already an entertainment journalist, most of my guests were in the entertainment industry. Some were authors, musicians, dancers, orchestra conductors, journalists, theatre owners, etc., but all were connected in some way with the industry.

One person I was interviewing complimented me by saying he liked my show even better than Lunch at the Music Center, a radio show of similar ilk as mine, but of much greater importance and reach.

But that got me to thinking. When I tuned into Lunch at the Music Center, I could hear the buzz of the lunch place, the clink of dishes, and other restaurant sounds. It was obvious the host and the guest were enjoying a meal while they talked.
Lunch with Marjorie
So I thought it might be fun to try to simulate that in print, except to expand to all kinds of people and industries, not just the entertainment area. I wanted you to have lunch with me and my guest, see and taste the food with us, to hear the rattle of dishes and feel the ambiance of the place where we were. I wanted it to be intimate. étouffée

My friend, Pat, said, “I feel like I’m a napkin on the table, hearing everything.” That is exactly what I am aiming for.

So was born Lunch with Marjorie, when I convinced a publisher in Rockford, Illinois, to let me launch this idea. That was about 2003, and my weekly column ran for ten years, until I moved to Connecticut.

My readers encouraged me that the stories of ordinary people who can inspire shouldn’t end. So I began re-posting their stories online.

Now with my HUB at, I am including these past stories, and will begin with many new ones. I hope you enjoy them and will find inspiration in the stories of ordinary people, who have something to say.

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